
Friday, November 18, 2011

FNSI...or something like that

i'm experiencing a sever conundrum...the first being it's Friday night...and I should be sewing...but...I'm not...(I did not actually get home today until about 9 i figure anything i sew if i start before midnight...should count for FNSI right???)

the second...I have PLANS for what I want to sew...but pretty sure I don't like any of them...

the third...I have deadlines!!!!!

so i'm off to fiddle about with some things and see if any of them work!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

FNSI...take two!

Woohoo!  Just what I needed to get my rear-end kicked into gear!  Friday Night Sew-In is BAAA-AACK!  This will be my second FNSI...and I have a couple of projects that I have to get completed by next Monday...and now I have the exact motivation I need!  WOOOHOO!  Now I just have to prep everything for tomorrow night!

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Mini challenge version of Sew and Tell!

Happy happy!  It's FRIDAY!!  and even more fun...I accomplished yesterday's goal of creating something to play along with

I have never attempted a mini-quilt...and wanted to join in the I went with a mug rug kind of mini.  I had no real rhyme or reason to the pattern...had some yummy decent sized scraps left from these I just started piecing together and trimming and so on and ended up with my little piece (measures around 7ish x 11ish).

Here is the front:

and the back:

I quilted it very simply...and had another new experience...decided to stitch the ditch (hadn't tried that one before either) and I LOVE how it came out!  Maybe next time I'll make a mini and try out some FMQ (that one still scares me a bit though!).  Had some repeat binding issues from a few weeks ago...and I'm pretty sure it's because I forgot to change out the foot I was using (again)...but will have to see.

I had a lot of fun getting this together in a short period of time (around 2 hours, give or take a few minutes) was awesome having the feeling of completing something quilty so quickly! I'm off to check out some other lovely mini's!  Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

because I'm slightly off in the head...

at the very last minute...seriously last minute...have to have it done by tonight!I've decided to play along with this:

hopefully I can make a mug rug or something tonight (not that I've ever done that)...I'm trying to decide what fabrics to use...and if I just want to sew and sew until I come up with something I like..we'll see I guess!

Monday, November 7, 2011

finally....some good pics!

I finally got the opportunity this weekend to take some pics of My Hometown Quilt (previously referred to as MHQ).  With a fully charged camera battery, some gorgeous sunlight and blue skies, and a willing (ok...maybe I'm stretching that part) Guy to she is:

and the back

which came together nicely with some Kona Coal and a couple of Hometown FQs, binding is Kona Red (maybe deep red (or real red)...I'll have to double check next time I'm in the store).  I kept the quilting really simple (cuz that's pretty much what I know how to do!) and I'm 100% in LOVE with this quilt!  Everytime I snuggle under it on the puts a smile on my face!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

making progress!

Still working on the surprise white rabbit (which thankfully I still have some time to work on!)...I'm using the Swoon pattern by Camille Roskelley (modified...only making 4 blocks for this particular quilt)...and thankfully I have three done! (I'm thrilled to have my regular camera functioning'd think I'd have actually set these blocks up in a better setting for some GREAT'd a thunk wrong!  LOL! was too lazy!)

Only one block left...then time to sash, sandwich and quilt!  Now I just have to figure out what to do for the back!

Fabric is Strawberry Fields by Fig Tree Quilts.