
Monday, January 2, 2012


So for 2012 I have a few I figured I'd go ahead and publish them so that I can track them (and remember them later!), but also to keep myself honest with the progress!  So here we go:

1.  Finish T's Quilt (hasn't been touched since December 10th 2011)
2.  Finish OUR Quilt (not touched since August 2011)
3.  Complete at least 2 FWQAL blocks a month (this was becoming an overwhelming project last year, so I'm hoping to keep it honest and accept that it won't be 2 blocks a week!)
4.  Blog at least once a week
5.  Complete Pinocchio Cross Stitch (more on this later)
6.  Relocate sewing space to craft room (currently sew in the living room, and rarely use my office/craft room...I want that changed!  will also require a LOT of reorganizing and cleaning and getting rid of stuff!)
7.  Make a Christmas Quilt in time for it to be used at Christmas!  (so wanted to do this last year...didn't get around to it!)
8.  Make at least one quilt just for me!
9.  Attempt applique on at least one quilt (mini-quilt would work here!)
10.  Make Swoon Terrain Quilt
11.  Attempt FMQ!
12.  Quilt and bind Girls SQ (before Halloween!)
13.  Finish White Rabbit Surprise/Strawberry Swoon (at least do something with the blocks that have been made!)

So...there you have it!  Nothing too crazy...some items would be fairly easy to complete over a weekend of sewing once a month (at least!)...I'll be checking in and updating these at least once a month...maybe more frequently if I really start making progress!

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