
Monday, November 26, 2012

3 little letters

that when put together in just the right order...mean your day (and the next) is going to be very, very bad.  This happened to me last week...the three little letters were U, and an L and an F...when in the right order...spelled FLU.  The best part...yes...I did get my Flu shot this year (have for over ten years now...first time to get the Flu even with the shot).

Yeah...that's right...down for the count...and Thanksgiving...with the FLU.  It was not all...and with Guy working crazy hours (all at night)...I was pretty much on my own.  Thankfully Girl was off most of last week to hang out with me and get me popsicles when I needed them to soothe the sore throat...or grab the NyQuil...or another box of tissues...and then some cold water...and to make me Ramen (ramen noodles are the cure-all in my house)...and well pretty much to be the most AWESOME child on the planet.

I was almost on my feet by Thursday I coached her through getting the Turkey ready...which was a last minute purchase on Wednesday evening when Guy realized we were not going to my Mother's the next day to eat. 

By Saturday I was able to leave the house, so Girl and I did a little shopping...then lunch (I had to take a break...I was very quickly worn out!) and then we hit the movies to see "Rise of the Guardians" (I HIGHLY recommend this was really good!).  So I made up for the blah of hanging out with the sick Mom for 4 days.  I really am pretty darn lucky to have such an amazing kid. (Guess she's on the NICE list this year!).

And now it's Monday, and I went back to work...and am exhausted, but at least I can fix dinner myself today...maybe...there is Pizza that can be ordered..after all...wouldn't want to do anything TOO drastic...

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