
Saturday, December 8, 2012


are approaching!  Do to some last minute travel plans decided on this deadline to have any Christmas presents I am making has moved up a bit.  Well...some have moved up...some have moved out.  But now it all must be done the same date.  Because I won't have any time past that date!  So to are all the quilts I was hoping to gift this year and their current status:

  1. Rainbow scrap quilt - DONE
  2. Rainbow strings quilt - need to add borders to the remaining 3 sides
  3. California girl - quilted, needs to be bound
  4. B's quilt - fabric is cut and piecing has started
  5. G's quilt - nothing (I think I know what pattern i'm going to use, need to select fabric)
  6. J's quilt - nothing (but I may have a plan for this one that will make life a little easier)
and my deadline is 12/18!  Thankfully that means I have this weekend AND next weekend before the deadline.  Hopefully I'll get it all done.  I really really don't want to gift late...but it'll be ok if I do...I just really don't want to!  

and now some pictures (instagram) of the progress on B's quilt!

I'm thinking of calling this quilt "Shake n'Bake" because of the process I'm using to get it done.  I'll ponder on that a bit and see where we end up!

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