
Friday, February 22, 2013

15 minute challenge...week 32!

And once again I'm posting my 15 minute challenge results very late in the week, and I'll make it quick...I accomplished 15 minutes of sewing 3 times this week.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I did finish a quilt though!  Shake n' Bake 2 was finished on Monday!  I really enjoyed quilting it with Sylvia, she's a dream quilter...however...worst binding job EVAH!  I think it's because I was used to Goldie and where my 3/8" seam lined up...and it was a little off when compared to not my best work.  However, hubby loves the all is good.  I'll post an official "finish" post later today...or tomorrow...LOL!

Other than that...I have made zero progress on moving my sewing area, and I'm ok with that.  The past few weeks of night shift have really run me ragged.  Thankfully, I am now, officially no longer on night shift (for a few months at least!).  And to reward myself, I'm taking an extra day for my weekend!  So I hope to really let the stitches fly!

Catch you later!!!


  1. Congrats on the finish, looking forward to seeing the done deal. Not a bad week, especially since you've been on nights. Enjoy your extra weekend day.

  2. Better late than never! Hooray for a finish and I'm looking forward to the pics.


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