
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My addiction...

At one point I would have said I was addicted to cigarettes, food, and Diet Coke.

In October of 2012 I kicked my cigarette habit.

In January of 2013 I kicked my Diet Coke habit.

I'm still working on the food one...but food is so good!

With each of these things, I have swapped the bad for something better.  I dropped the smoking and the junk food and sodas for exercise and water (I still allow myself coffee...because life would not be good in my house if I didn't have a little coffee each day).

These are just my plain ole life addictions.  Now let's talk about the more serious one...

My addiction to BOMs and QALs. 

I love them all.  I've tried very hard since I first learned what they were to only sign up or participate in a few.  And usually only one at a time.  But not any longer.  2013 will be known as the year I went bonkers for QALs in particular.  And often, not a full on formal QAL...but these lovely informal ones that keep popping up on instagram and the WWW.  (I'm lesleyworth on instagram by the way).  My current list of unfinished QALs includes: Swoon-a-long (finished top, but that's it), Scrappy Trip Along (finished top, but that's a different post), Starburst QAL (only half the blocks are done)...and soon to be added, the Marcelle Medallion from the book Liberty Love by Alexia Marcelle Abegg (another "informal"  (check the tags #marcellemedallion on instagram)).  It's just a gorgeous quilt.  And I want one.  And I'm going to use this fabric (and a few extras).  And it's going to be fabulous...when it ever gets finished...which means I have to start it.  So that's my plan for this weekend (my fabric won't be here until then) start (yet another) QAL. 

Maybe eventually I'll actually develop an addiction to finishing these quilts...


  1. How are you doing on the Diet Coke thing? I gave up Coke at Christmas and my cravings have been insane the past week and a half. Still holding out with water, but man, I really want a Coke!

    And I hear you on the QAL addiction! I won't join Instagram because I know I'll get sucked into the #QALs and add to my never-finished tops.

  2. I love all the QAL going on and even though I can't participate in all of the it is really fun to see everybody's work.

  3. I'm addicted to food too .. too much of it.

  4. QALs and BOMs are addictive. If you are like me and most of your quilting community is on line, they are the closest to a class setting that you get. I love to see how everyone else interprets a pattern.


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