
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer sewing

We've officially hit summer here in South still have a week left of school...but the temperatures are on the rise, pools have opened, and the busiest time of the year has started at work.  Ick.  Oh well...let's talk about some summer sewing...

Weekday sewing will pretty much be out the window for me, work will be sucking up the majority of my time, so I plan on spending a fair amount of time on the weekends sewing...most of the time.  We have a few weekend side trips planned and I definitely am going to have to spend some time outdoors!  Because of this, I'm going to skip checking in weekly with the 15 minute challenge over on Kate's blog...I'm just not going to worry about it for the next few months.  If I sew, awesome...if I don't...well, it's kind of expected and I can't feel bad about not sewing.

So now that's out of the way...a little update on my skull quilt (pics via Instagram):

last weekend I got everything cut out

and started putting the little bits together

and this morning I put a few blocks together (I ended up taping these to a wall in the hall so that I could keep everything in proper order).

And now...perhaps I'll put together a few more...or maybe pull fabric for a new bag...I do have these staring at me:


1 comment:

  1. Sorry you won't be linking up regularly this summer, but I do understand the work sucking up time thing. Have a great summer!


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