
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wellness Wednesday...Ep. 30

and this Wellness Wednesday finds me...well, not so well.  I've have a headache that has lasted close to two weeks now.  I've tried sinus meds, allergy meds, pain reliever, nothing...I think it's just the incredibly dry weather we've been having (I hope!), but it has depleted my energy a bit.  I did pretty good last week, but this week I'm feeling just plain drained.  Thankfully this is a regularly scheduled "cut back" week, so I don't feel so bad that I've missed a run, and I have zero plans to make it up (at least right now).  For the month I'm at 41 miles, so progress is good there.  My long run on Sunday was 7 miles, and felt pretty good.  Again, I just wish I was a little faster right now.  This will come with time, I just have to trust that.  On a different note, I did try a little "speed work" on the treadmill last week, and I hope to incorporate a hill run weekly as well (also probably on the treadmill).  I think changing up my week day runs to incorporate both speed and hills will help alleviate some of the boredom I occasionally feel on the treadmill.  I am also hoping to acquire a treadmill for myself one of these days.  I don't mind using the one at work (am very thankful i have this option), but some days I really would rather just get home and at least be here when Girl is working on homework and stuff.  Big picture...I've still got two months, I'm feeling pretty good with my running, still need to work on cleaning up my diet a bit more, but overall satisfied with where I'm at in training!

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