
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

maybe i shouldn't have had sniff in the last title

because a week later...i have a of those home from work, swimming in vitamin C with a rudolph red nose...bleh...and drinking some of these:

not bad at all i must say! (the smoothie...not the rest of the cold)

anyways...i'd love to be taking this time at home to sew...but i have work to do for my real i get to do that instead...but here is what i've been up to:

got several rows of Deploy-T done (didn't finish it while she was in town visiting...but making progress towards finishing!)

and i'm staring at these:

which will turn into Block #6 of the Terrain Swoon quilt...

hopefully I get some time to sew soon...

even more so, I really really hope that I get over this cold REALLY soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grrrrrrr! Sniff...

So I had this plan...get all the base piecing done...get Deploy-T all laid out...and then assemble quilt top...I got 2 of the 3 done...

(pic via Instagram...a lovely app I downloaded as soon as I got my iPhone!)

See!  had everything ready to go...and then my temporary design wall gave way...and most of those lovely fabric squares ended up on the floor...and not just once...or even now it's all sitting in one big lump on my sewing table...and I can hardly look at it!  let alone put it all back together...and I really need to get working on it!  But the LO was almost perfect (needed a few swapped around...but nothing major!)...and I just hate the idea of messing with it and trying to figure it all out for now I shall pout...and remember that tomorrow is another day...this is the least of my worries...and the recipient will love it no matter what!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Deploy-T Quilt

Wow!  What a fab day ahead of me!  Lots of plans with family and friends, so time for a quick post (that I should have done yesterday...but oh well!).  So...I've been working hard at trying to accomplish one of my 2012 goals...complete T's Quilt!  This quilt was originally on the plan from way back over here (all the way down at the bottom of that post)...and now it's February (of a different year!) and I think I'll finally get it finished!

This is what this quilt looked like for a very long time:

A lovely stack of fabric that had almost all been cut.  But thankfully I did get some work done on it in early December (no pics)...but that was about it...until yesterday...where I really got cracking!

I finished up the cutting, have about 75% of the piecing done...and hopefully before T comes to visit next week...I'll have a completely done quilt!

The fabric is Flora by Lauren and Jessi Jung that I purchased last October.  I have named the quilt Deploy-T as it is intended to be something she can take with her on her next deployment!

Alrighty I go...busy busy day ahead of me!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Some more swooning happening!

Happy Friday all!  I am so happy I have the day off!  I seriously considered going in to work just to do some catch up...but said screw it!  Heehee!  Anyways...this is likely going to be one of at least two posts today...finished up Block #5 of my Terrain Swoon as part of the Swoon-along:

and it's my favorite so far (love that pink!) and I'm pretty sure it will be the center block of my quilt when I get to putting it all together!  Woohoo!  5 blocks down...only 4 to go!

However...Swoon is on hold (at least for right now, and only for a short time) as I'm diligently working on one of my 2012 goals...trying to get it done before next week! (more on that later!)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Swooning along...Blocks #3 and #4

After a bit of a hiccup with a wonky FQ...finally got the next few blocks done for my Terrain Swoon that I'm completing as part of the Swoon-along!

Block #3 (the one of the WFQ)

and Block #4 (which went ridiculously smooth in comparison to #3)

and my 4 blocks all together

and's my bed time...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FWQAL Week #...oh heck...who knows!

As part of my 2012 goals...I want to complete at least 2 FWQAL blocks a month...2/week was stressing me I figured 2/month would be fair...opportunity for more blocks...but no stress if it was only 2!  Here is what I completed in 2011: happy seeing them all!  Now it's just time to add to the set!

I present to January FWQAL blocks!  First up...Block #31: Evening Star:

after perusing my layout of the blocks completed so far...I felt I needed more red...and definitely got it with this one!

and then we have Block #39: friendship

I loved the layout of colors in the book for this I pretty much flat out copied it!  Only in gingham...I heart!

ok...that's it for January...let's see what happens in February!