Wellness Wednesday coming to you live on a Thursday! Woohoo!
Actually, not much to say or show for the past week. Every little bit of my fitness plan went out the window last week thanks to the lovely cold I managed to come down with. I'm actually still recovering, but doing better every day!
So that about sums up this week's edition. I have no schedule for this new week, as I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to start running again or attend yoga without feeling like I'm hacking up a lung. I'd be willing to guess by the end of the weekend I'll be running again. But now I'll be back to easing into it, so it's a bit of a reset on my training plan. Oh well!
That late spring cold has felled a lot of people here. I had it around the first of the month, it took a while for the coughing to taper off. Hope you are fully recovered now.