- Wednesday: 20-30 mins cross train rest
- Thursday: 20-30 mins cross train rest
- Friday: 3 mile run (hope I will be running by this point)rest
- Saturday: Rest rest
- Sunday: 5 mile run 7.7 mile run
- Monday: Rest rest
- Tuesday: 3-4 mile run rest
Speaking of...only a few weeks left! I've got to get some double digit runs in so that I mentally feel prepared! Here is my plan for this week:
- Wednesday: Rest
- Thursday: 3-4 mile run
- Friday: 2-3 mile run
- Saturday: rest
- Sunday: 9-10 mile run
- Monday: yoga for runners
- Tuesday: 3-4 mile run
I sort of kind of have a plan to head to the treadmill tomorrow before work so that I can get my run in before I spend all day on my feet. Just have to get my sorry self to bed on time and out the door on time (no snoozing the alarm!!).
I just want to get this particular half in the books...I think it's really messing with my head because I've already done a half marathon, so I know physically I can do this...but mentally it's screwing with me because I want to do better and be more prepared and I feel like my training plan and my feet (one toe at a time) are falling to pieces! And more than anything...I want a new pair of running shoes...but I only have about 150 miles on my current pair...so I refuse to replace them until I've gotten through this training and half marathon (at a minimum). I'll talk more about running shoes next week, time to eat dinner and aim for that early bedtime!
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